Community Resources
Counselors serve as a link between the school and community services.
Finding a local counselor:
- Contact the school counselor for a list of local counselors
- Fauquier Free Clinic offers free mental health assistance.
- AAA, Al-Anon, Alateen......................800-835-6130
- Fauquier Behavioral Health Care (counseling services)............347-7620
- Fauquier Social Services Department...........540 422-8400
- Fauquier Community Child Care...............347-6970
- Piedmont Dispute Resolution Center............347-6650
- Fauquier Family Shelter............... 341-0900, 351-0130
- Fauquier Free Clinic...............................347-0394
- Fauquier Health Department.....................347-6400
- Grandparents Raising Grandchildren............351-1083
- FISH (food bank)..................................347-3474
- Fauquier County Hospice........................347-5922